Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ

April 11, 2020 | Dave Canal

About this post: We want to stay connected! This blog post is part of a series of daily devotionals for this season. Read them, share them, and pray that they bring God's peace and love to our communities. To sign up to receive text notification of these posts, text zpc to 39970. We welcome your comments and questions each day.  

About the author: Dave and his wife Terry have been members at ZPC for 20 years. Dave is currently serving as a ZPC Elder.

Today's Scripture: Romans 6:3-12

The apostle Paul wrote this epistle to the Jews and Gentiles in the Church in Rome while Nero was the Emperor. Paul was in Corinth, Greece at the time, never having yet been to Rome. The theme of his writing is that salvation is offered through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Man is justified by faith only…..not from righteous actions. 

This teaching reminds us of the sinfulness of all humanity.  More information is revealed about what happens when a person comes to faith in Jesus on a spiritual level.  We experience a spiritual death and rebirth that parallels the physical death and resurrection of Jesus.  

By faith in Christ, we are raised to a new spiritual life. We become so closely connected to him that our spiritual death is a death to sin itself. In verse 11, we read that we count ourselves as dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. 


Take a moment to hand write a note to family and friends. Sure, it takes a bit longer, and you will need to find stamps, but it adds such a personal touch. Reach out to those standing in harms way and thank them, remind them you are praying for them, that God is standing right there next to them guiding and lifting them up.


Dear Lord, 
We praise your name above all else. As we are living in a troubled and challenging world, let us take time to marvel at your wonder of springtime. The trees are starting to show green, some flowers starting to blossom. Let these be reminders of the rebirth, the new life that you are showing us as we are nearing Easter. The reminder that you are with us – at our side – during thin places. In Jesus’s name we pray. 
