We live for you

April 6, 2020 | Andy Beardsley

About this post: We want to stay connected! This blog post is part of a series of daily devotionals for this season. Read them, share them, and pray that they bring God's peace and love to our communities. To sign up to receive text notification of these posts, text zpc to 39970. We welcome your comments and questions each day.

About the author: Andy Beardsley, and his wife Theresa, have been in the ZPC family since 2006. Their boys are Jacob (12), Ben (10), and  Daniel (8). Andy has been involved in Great Banquet and the Uganda mission trip, and recently became elder at ZPC. 

Today's Scripture: Philippians 2: 5-11

Today we will be looking at a passage from Paul’s letter to the Philippians. I love this book of the Bible, which is full of comfort and inspiration for what it means to live a Christian life. The passage begins in verse 5 with a directive that we should maintain the attitude which Jesus had. It then goes on into a song of praise of the nature and glory of Jesus. The first few phrases of the song describe how Jesus lived on this Earth. Even though he was God, he did not come to Earth to flaunt his power. Instead, he came as a humble servant. In his life Jesus lived the example of gentle service and all-inclusive love. Then, at the end of his life, he was obedient to his calling to suffer on a cross and die for our sins. As God, he certainly had the power to rise above this event. But, his love for us is so strong that he endured the pain of all of our sins so that we may be saved from them and can be welcomed into God’s presence for eternity.

The song goes on to describe that because of the way Jesus lived and died, he was exalted and glorified. He is now worshiped by everyone, living and dead. Jesus is Lord! We bow down to him! He is glorified not because he arrived on Earth proclaiming his glory, but because he arrived to serve and to love in his life and in his death.

In the middle of the verses, at verse 9, is the word “therefore.” This word is frequently used by Paul to make his points, and someone once taught me that when you read the word “therefore” you should pay attention to what it is “there for.”  In this passage, Paul explains that it is because of the way Christ lived that he is now glorified. His name is above every other name and he is called Lord of all because of his service and love. 

This is evidence of the type of behavior which God will reward.  Remember the verse that started this passage off: “Your attitude should be the same as Christ Jesus.” We should not use our talents and resources selfishly. In our lives, we should follow the example of Jesus, with an attitude of service toward others out of love for everyone.


For today’s activity, you will need about 15 minutes to spend in a quiet place. First, click the link below and listen to the song “Build my life” by Housefires. Then spend about 5 – 10 minutes (more or less as you are led and able) meditating on one phrase from the song – “we live for you.”  You can just think about it, or write down some of your thoughts. What does it mean in your life to live for Jesus? How is God calling you to use your time, talents and treasures to live for him?



May your name be glorified! Thank you for showing us how to live. Thank you for your obedient death on the cross which has saved me from my sin. Help me to live with your attitude. Show me how to serve and to love. Fill me and shape me to be more like you to build your kingdom. 
