God's promises are unchanging

December 15, 2023 | Bob Bierwagen

About the author: Bob and Pam joined ZPC in 1986. In that time, they have grown in so many ways, and have been blessed abundantly by the ZPC Community where they have raised their 5 children and 4 grandchildren. Bob has served as a Deacon, served two terms as an Elder, has been part of Great Banquet, Kairos, and Home Groups - and serves on the Finance Team and the Advisory Board of Noah’s Ark. You may also see him playing drums with the Sunday Praise Band a couple of times a month. 

God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Numbers 23:10 (NIV) 

I don’t know about you, but I do not believe I have ever considered Numbers to be my first choice for Advent Scripture! After reading the verse a couple of times and reflecting on it, I looked up some other translations and found this in the Message: “God is not man, one given to lies, and not a son of man changing his mind. Does he speak and not do what he says? Does he promise and not come through.” Reading these words, the Spirit immediately brought to mind what God was trying to tell me – that when God makes a promise it is unchanging, trustworthy, and made in his love for us – because that is the immutable nature of our God! 

The book of Numbers is attributed to Moses. As the author, Moses was communicating to the reader that God promised he would never forget the promise he made to never forsake his people! Consider that these words were written almost 1350 years before Jesus was born in Bethlehem. That is a long time to wait to see a promise fulfilled, and yet Moses writes with a rock-solid faith that, because of who God is, his promises would come to pass. As we consider the joyous message of Christmas and reflect on the love and grace that baby Jesus embodies, this verse in Numbers tells that Jesus is not just the reason for the season – rather Jesus is the answer to every promise God has made!

Pastor Jerry has many times spoken of the tapestry of those who have come before us and of those who will come after us. We know that we are far from perfect people. We waver in our commitments. We become impatient when our agendas are disrupted or even while waiting for a traffic light. We often compromise or even fail to fulfill that which we have said we will do. Yet we were created by a God that will never fail to fulfill what he has promised. This includes being with us in our daily lives, in giving us good gifts, in making our paths straight, and through the miracle of a Savior who would give his very life and blood - that we might claim eternal life by professing our faith and belief in Jesus as the Son of God, and the Lord of our lives.

During this season of Advent, as we reflect on the baby Jesus, let us also reflect on the God whose promises are rock solid and unchanging. The God who we, not only celebrate at Christmas for the gift of his Son, but who we can trust each and every day no matter what life brings. Who is with us and cares for every detail of our lives in this world, and in the world to come. To him be all glory, and honor, and praise!


Find a quiet place and take 10 minutes to look back over your life. Ask God to help you see his presence in the good times and difficult times. That presence may have been through his Spirit, through the words or touch of others who brought comfort or encouragement, or even the confidence that though you were going through a valley, you would find the high ground again. (As we have gotten older, Pam and I are able to look back and see how God was at work in our lives for our good – even as we could not see it at the time.) Then, read Psalm 23 and reflect on the words of that wonderful passage. My prayer is that you will see in a new way God’s promises at work.


Father God,
We do give you praise and glory for your never changing nature and for your promises which we can depend on. As we spend time over this season of Advent, help us slow our lives to reflect on, not just the gift of life you fulfilled with Jesus, but the very nature of who you are – the God who has promised to never forsake us or abandon us no matter what we may face in our lives. We pray that, even in the midst of pain, mourning, and want, you help us remember that you are unchanging and unwavering in the promises you have made – to always care for us and to never fail to fulfill your promise of life eternal in your presence.

