Transformation takes time
December 12, 2020 | Kara Crabb
About the author: Kara Crabb and her husband Mike are members of ZPC. They have a blended family of 6 kids and 4 grandchildren. Kara is involved with Next Gen Ministries, Landscape Team, Home Groups, and Great Banquet and Awakening communities.
In January of this year God urged me to buy a new journal. I argued back that I had a number of journals already in the house that I could use for 2020 but he insisted, so I went to the store. Browsing through the shelves and book cases I was irritated that I was on this foolish errand. Finally I chose a set of three journals and set off for home still oblivious to the reason. As I opened the journal and began to write it dawned on me that being in the bookstore was a calm, quiet, peaceful, and lovely time with God. If you’re like me, you have many to do lists and errand after errand amidst a ridiculous amount of daily chores. Finding time to just “Be Still” Psalm 46:10 is difficult to say the least. When Jerry asked us to spend some time in devotion this holiday season I thought it would be easy. You see, December 30, 2019, I decided I would read through the Bible in 365 days in 2020. So far I am on track. It has been hard some times but because I follow a plan on my bible app it's been really good for me. I’ve been in the Word of God but not really in his presence. Not like in the bookstore where we squabbled over which journal would be right.
Transformation in us takes time but if you allow God to guide you in an instant you can see the change. For example, this summer my granddaughters and I had a caterpillar project. We captured 3 monarch caterpillars and watched them in a jar on my kitchen counter. We watched and waited for 3 weeks. Each time a caterpillar was about to set its cocoon or bust out of it, I seemed to miss it. I would watch and wait and just as I stepped away the miracle would happen. Finally I decided nothing was gonna stop me from seeing it. I started transporting the little boogers with me on my errands so I wouldn’t miss it. Finally on the last butterfly I got to see the breakthrough! It was beautiful!
You may be wondering what a bookstore, a bible study and a butterfly have in common, so here it is…when you give yourself over to God, set aside time to listen and look, the Lord will show you spectacular things around you and in you. All you need to do is trust him to show you the way.