How do I read the Bible?

April 17, 2016 | Calvin Bryant

       How do I read the Bible???  This is a question that comes up with young kids, old adults, new believers, committed saints, educated, uneducated, readers, and non-readers.  Even if your Bible doesn't look like the one above (or heck, even if it's never been opened!), it's never too late to start diving in.

       Personally, I have 3 things I do when I read the Bible:

  • First, I pray that God would open my heart to see what He sees and that He shares even just an ounce of His infinite wisdom with me.
  • Secondly, I keep a journal of questions that come up when I read.  It can be something really basic, a deep theological question, or something I feel like I'm missing (CLICK HERE for an example).
  • Finally, I write down a verse (or verses) that stick out to me.  I also try to write down what I feel like God is teaching me (CLICK HERE for an example).

       You may choose to do something similar or something different.  One thing I've found helpful is a Bible app called YouVersion.  It has tons of Bible reading plans (from one week plans to several years) that help me stay on course when I miss days.  It also sends me a daily reminder and I can change it if I fall behind.  Here are a few other tips to get you started on reading the Bible on your own.

Discussion questions with MS students: How do you read the Bible? Are there things you don't understand? What do you do when you don't understand? What questions do you have about the Bible or things that you've read? 
