He knows the plan

December 18, 2023 | Sharon Pierce

About the author:  Sharon Pierce and her husband, Steve, have been active members of ZPC for over thirty years. They are thankful for the privilege of raising their four children, now all married, at ZPC; and cherish each of them, the wonderful spouses God has brought them, and their seven energetic grandchildren! Over the years, Sharon and Steve have served in the Nursery, as Youth Ministry volunteers, and Sunday Greeters. Sharon is serving her second term as a ZPC Elder and treasured being the Lay Director for both the Awakening and the Great Banquet. Steve chaired the Community Assistance Ministry for many years and is on the Shepherd Team. Their ZPC “roots” are deep! 

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29: 11-13

Most of us, as we were “growing up” in our faith, were asked to select and memorize a verse or two of scripture that was particularly meaningful. I was asked to do this as a part of my Lutheran confirmation, as an 8th grader; and Jeremiah 29: 11-13 was so comforting to me. I was going to be leaving middle school, and most of my friends were going to a different high school than I would be attending. I was so nervous and anxious, but this scripture reminded me, daily, that God was going WITH me and BEFORE me. He blessed me with four of the most loyal, faithful friends, all of whom are very much a part of my life, today, more than sixty years later!

Imagine how nervous and frightened Mary and Joseph must have been that very first Christmas!  They were both SO young…and yet, they personify Jeremiah 29:11-13! Despite the unprecedented experience the Angel of the Lord placed them in, they TRUSTED GOD’S PLAN for them! They were mature, beyond their years…but I believe the foundation of their maturity was the DEEPNESS of their faith! They let God’s plan, not only for the two of them and the Christ Child…BABY JESUS…EMANUEL…but for EACH and EVERY ONE OF US, unfold as God directed! Their faith, trust, and confidence in God’s plan for them would, indeed, represent the GREATEST GIFT EVER!

Our world is overflowing with uncertainties!  And yet, as Believers in Our Savior, we know, for CERTAIN, that God is with us EVERY moment…loving us, guiding us, carrying us when we need it, and promising us his unconditional LOVE and FORGIVENESS. 

This last week of Advent, may we all seek GOD’s PLAN for us, both in big and in small ways!  Knowing that he, our GOOD SHEPHERD, loves us more than we can imagine, is once again, the GREATEST GIFT we will ever receive! Let us lovingly, gratefully, and intentionally unwrap HIS GIFT, daily! 


During this final week of Advent, get your favorite warm “comfort drink” (mine is Chai Tea Latte), and take five minutes to reflect and pray on a time when you were obedient to God’s plan for you, with gratitude for how he has blessed you. For me, honoring his “calling” to serve abused, neglected, and vulnerable children has blessed me SO much more than I was ever able to bless those precious children. Indeed, HE KNOWS the plans he has for us…just as he did those many years ago, calling Mary and Joseph to help him redeem EACH of us!


Heavenly Father,
How grateful we are that you have plans for our days and our lives. Help us to seek your guidance with each decision you place on our hearts; and follow you with humble obedience.  And may we remember, ALWAYS, that “You know the plans you have for us!” Thank you for the path you are creating, JUST FOR ME! 
