Parental Influence
March 6, 2016 | Calvin Bryant
A few weeks ago, I saw this article posted by a parent and thought it was interesting. The article is titled, "7 Ways Parents Push Their Kids Away from God Without Realizing It." I think the best line of...
Pre-teen slang
February 28, 2016 | Calvin Bryant
It's always difficult to keep up with slang students use because we aren't in their "world." But it always helps to at least have a general knowledge of what's going on in their...
Developmental Assets
February 21, 2016 | Calvin Bryant
There are obviously an infinite amount of external factors that help children grow up, but here are the top 40 (in the 12-18 age group) according to the Search Institute. The article not only provides the top...
Fake + Instagram = Finstagrams!
February 7, 2016 | Calvin Bryant
Middle School students are constantly trying to find out just who they are and social media plays a huge role in this. Students compartmentalize their lives living as one person at school, another at home, and...
One Mother's Experience with Short-Term Missions
February 5, 2016 | Tracy Naser
I had no idea how impactful my family’s first short term mission trip to Williamsburg, Kentucky could possibly be. I had always wanted to go on a mission trip, for as long as I could remember. But there was always a reason why it...