His love transcends all
December 10, 2021 | Kim Cochrane
About the author: Kim Cochrane and her husband Jim are long time members of ZPC and have been involved in a wide variety of ministries. They are enthusiastic attendees of the Wisdom and Wit Adult Sunday School Class and encourage anyone to join...
Security in the good shepherd
December 9, 2021 | Matt Bierman
About the author: Matt and his wife Katie have been attending ZPC since they moved here in January. Matt serves in the Middle School Ministry at the church and he and his wife are involved in a Home Group. Today’s Scripture: John...
With a humble heart
December 8, 2021 | Erika Baker
About the author: Erika has attended ZPC since 2005. She currently serves in the 4-5 year old classroom as well as on an usher team. She has four children: Tommy, Drew, Lauren, and Kennedy. Today's scripture: Luke 3:7-18 The people at the...
The Light of Advent
December 7, 2021 | Rev. Dr. Randal Gilmore
About the author: Randal Gilmore is a retired pastor living in Fishers. He and his wife Dale currently serve as missionaries with The Gospel Story-arc Project, a global evangelism and discipleship initiative. Today's Scripture: Philippians...
Story of hope
December 6, 2021 | Sally Bias
About the author: Sally has attended ZPC for 23 years. She has served on the ZPC staff for 18 years, most recently as the director of communications. She is a Home Group leader and has served on Great Banquet and Awakening teams. She has three...