Staying true to your faith
December 20, 2021 | Melanie Worzala
About the author: Melanie Worzala is an 8th grader at Zionsville Middle School and has gone to ZPC her whole life. Melanie’s parents, Jeff and Angie, joined the church in early 2008; Mel was born and baptized that same year. Melanie...
But God
December 19, 2021 | Jim Croner
About the author: Jim and his wife, Dana, joined ZPC and were married at ZPC in 1998. They have been blessed with two daughters: Caroline, 21 year old senior at Butler University, and Rachel, 18 year old freshman at IU. Jim has enjoyed a variety...
Go with God
December 18, 2021 | Misty Soderstrom
About the author: Misty and Stan moved to Indianapolis in the fall of 1997 with their children Kelsey and David, and started attending ZPC a few months later. Misty enjoys painting and creating sets for the Worship Arts Team and VBS, she also...
We are the news-bearers!
December 17, 2021 | Betsy Howden
About the author: Betsy is a long-time member of ZPC and resident of Zionsville. She and her husband, Michal, have two grown children and four, soon to be five, grandchildren. Betsy retired as Worship Coordinator at ZPC in 2018 and loves the...
Move past the "wow"
December 16, 2021 | Mike and Karin Berry
About the Authors: Mike and Karin have attended ZPC since 1991, except for a 5-year hiatus when Mike’s career moved the family to Missouri (2007-2012). They have 2 kids – Alicia and Wilson, both in college. Alicia is a Senior at...