Put your hope and trust in Jesus
December 3, 2022 | Amanda Stricker
About the author: Amanda Stricker has participated in the ZPC community since being dropped off at the nursery back in 1988 up through her current Sunday mornings working as a part of the ZPC Tech Team. She very much enjoyed serving as a ZPC...
God hears our prayers
December 2, 2022 | Emily Elmore
About the author: Emily Elmore and her husband Ryan are members of ZPC. They live in Zionsville and are parents to three very active boys, Lucas, Connor, and Graham. Today's verse: Luke 1:13 “But the Angel said to him...
The divine in the ordinary
December 1, 2022 | Val Lindenschmidt
About the author: Val Lindenschmidt has been attending ZPC for 20+ years. She and her husband John consider ZPC their "Faith Family." They have 3 grown children, one daughter-in-law, an amazing grandson, and two unruly dogs. She has served in...
And then the word...
November 30, 2022 | Brian McCall
About the author: Brian and Cynthia McCall Have been active members of ZPC for many years. They have 3 children plus a bonus child that has been in their lives for 4 years, two young grand babies that they adore, as well as two more on the way...
Please pass the hope
November 29, 2022 | Karen Barnes
About the author: Karen Barnes is celebrating her 26th year of ZPC membership this December. She and her husband Clay have three beautiful children – Gracie (28 and married to Bryan), Christina (26) and Noah (15). She is an incoming...