How's your interruptibility?
June 11, 2020 | Jenn McDonald
Jenn and Mark McDonald attend ZPC with their 3 children. Jenn has been an active participant and past co-coordinator of the ZPC MOPS (Mother’s of Preschoolers) group, a High Impact Volunteer at Wheeler Mission, and a member of Revive and...
The Lord delights in us?
June 10, 2020 | Darin Stalbaum
About the Author: Darin Stalbaum is an elder that is active in discipleship, small group, and men’s ministries at ZPC. He and his wife Gretchen lead a Monday evening Home Group, and they are the proud parents of two high schoolers...
Only dead fish swim with the flow
June 9, 2020 | Emil Toader
About the author: Emil Toader is president of Missio Link International (MLI) located in Timisoara, Romania. MLI has a vision to participate in God’s mission to his Church and to the world by fostering partnerships between Christians...
June 8, 2020 | Kelly Kaiser
About the author: Kelly Kaiser is the Child Sponsorship Director for Otino Waa Children's Village in Lira, Uganda. She also helps host teams visiting Otino Waa, including our team from ZPC, whose July 2020 trip has been postponed due to...
Servant of Jesus Christ
June 5, 2020 | Nicu Bragadireanu
About the Author: Nicu and Madi Bragadireanu, along with their three children Daria, Filip and Iannis, live in Giurgiu, Romania. Nicu works in the banking system and Madi in social work and they are also part of the Brethren Bethel church in...