This baby
December 22, 2020
About the author: Sean O’Dell (22) is a senior at Purdue who is actively involved in Purdue Bands and Orchestras, Krannert School of Management, and Purdue CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ). Sean is the son of long-time ZPC members...
The miracle of love
December 21, 2020 | Cynthia Carr
About the author: Cynthia Carr has been actively attending ZPC for 15 years and is a current Elder. She’s a member of ZPC’s Food Pantry and Intercessory Prayer ministries and has cherished being on several Great Banquet teams. Cynthia...
Fourth Week of Advent
December 20, 2020 | Kristin Lehr
Editor's Note: We have arrived at the 4th week of Advent and our theme this week is love. ZPC's Director of Children's Ministries, Kristin Lehr, gives us a recap of the 4 weeks of advent in this special vlog. Enjoy!
Peace through the ages
December 19, 2020 | Bob Rottmann
About the author: Bob Rottmann has been a member of ZPC for 3 years. A Christian all of his life, he has been involved in many leadership roles over the years. At ZPC, he attended Great Banquet #125 and was on the GB team for #133 in a...
Seeking joy, even in turmoil
December 18, 2020 | Cindy Argentine
About the author: Cindy Argentine and her husband, Mark, have been members of ZPC for 15 years. They have three children—two young-adult sons and a daughter in high school. Cindy serves as a Deacon, prays with the Intercessory Prayer...