A sign in the face of doubt
November 28, 2022 | Josh and Kelsey
About the author: ZPC missionaries Josh and Kelsey will be celebrating 6 years in a country in the Middle East in January! Their time overseas has had a lot of different seasons–the first two years were difficult and full of cultural and...
First Sunday in Advent: Hope
November 27, 2022 | Jason Chapel
LISTEN TO TODAY'S READING Hope As we await the coming again of Jesus Christ, we begin anew today by lighting the candle of hope; one of five candles. In weeks coming we will light the candles of peace, love, and joy – and finally lighting...
He is risen!
April 17, 2022
John 20:1-18 (The Message) 1-2 Early in the morning on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that the stone was moved away from the entrance. She ran at once to Simon Peter and the other...
Why is Good Friday called “good”?
April 16, 2022 | Jenni Nolan
About the Author: Jenni is a longtime member of ZPC. She and her husband, Scott, live in Carmel, where they raise their four children, ages 10-20. When she’s not carpooling kids all over God’s green earth, Jenni enjoys reading, barre...
It was a good Friday
April 15, 2022 | Dave Gall
About the author: Dave Gall and his wife Joan are long time members of ZPC (since 1985). Dave has served as an Elder and Deacon. He has been active on the Mission Commission, Mission Finance Committee as well as several Pastoral search...