"Senior Saints"
March 28, 2020 | Eli Everson
About the author: Eli has been a member of ZPC since 2010. His parents have been members since the early 2000s and have gone to ZPC since they moved here in 2000. He is currently a senior at Zionsville High School, and plans on attending...
Watching the sunrise
March 27, 2020 | Val Lindenschmidt
About the author: Val Lindenschmidt has attended ZPC since 1999. She and husband John joined the church in 2012. About this post: We want to stay connected! This blog post is part of a series of daily devotionals for this season. Read...
Remember who you are
March 26, 2020 | Liz Todd
Editor's note About the author: Liz Todd has been a member of ZPC since 1987. She has served on the Board of Deacons as well as two terms as a ZPC Elder. She has also sung in the ZPC choir since its inception, taught adult Sunday school, and been...
We are not afraid because he is not afraid
March 25, 2020 | Brian McCall
Editor's note About the author: Brian and Cynthia are active members at ZPC and have 3 grown children: Zach, Jacob, and Hannah. Additionally, two new children have been added to their fold, Dhamar and Sophey. They are deeply thankful for the...
Just enough grace for today
March 24, 2020 | Lori Fulk
Editor's note About the author: Lori Fulk has been a member of ZPC since 2015, serving as a Deacon, MOPS mentor, and helper within Children Ministries. She owns a small event planning company, and has been a freelance writer for a variety of...