Give your worries to God
December 8, 2022 | Heidi LaBar
Left to right: Lily H, Melanie W, Isabella C, Caroline K, Heidi L About the author: I’m Heidi, a 15-year-old student at Zionsville High School. I was introduced to ZPC last year, after my friend invited me to the high school...
Life-changing pronouncements
December 7, 2022 | Tim Gardner
About the author: Tim Gardner is a very flawed lover of Jesus. Over the years he has worked to try and encourage people along on this journey of life. Tim spent 12 years on the staff of ZPC (from 1990-2002), serving in roles ranging...
Look for the manger
December 6, 2022 | Sarah LaPlante
About the author: Sarah has been a member of ZPC for 4 years. She and her husband Robert just celebrated their 10 year anniversary this past October. They have four children: Goldie (6), Beverly (6), Winnie-Kate (5), and Shep...
The stars of the Christmas story
December 5, 2022 | Scott Shelton
About the author: Scott Shelton is an associate pastor at ZPC. During the week, he focuses on adult discipleship (home groups, adult classes, etc.), missions (supporting local and global mission partners and the mission commission), and pastoral...
2nd Sunday in Advent: Peace
December 4, 2022 | Jason Chapel
LISTEN TO TODAY'S READING Peace As we continue to await the coming again of Jesus Christ, we begin anew this day by lighting the candle of Peace; the second of five candles. We live in the Hope of Christ’s return and yet yearn for a...