Friday, March 14
Moments with Mark Friday
Time: 4:30 pm – 8:30 pm
An in-depth, dialogical study focused upon the opening moments of Mark’s Gospel. We will give thoughtful attention to John’s ministry; Jesus’ baptism and temptation; His calling His first disciples; and then those moments characteristic of His ministry, including a rising conflict with the religious leaders.
Format: Using The Great Opening, Vol. 1, a working resource written by Stan, we will encourage a mix of time for personal study and then time for interactive sharing. We will learn individually and together.
Limited to 25 people.
> Stan Johnson
Format: Using The Great Opening, Vol. 1, a working resource written by Stan, we will encourage a mix of time for personal study and then time for interactive sharing. We will learn individually and together.
Limited to 25 people.
> Stan Johnson