Sunday, December 8

Shepherd Tote Packing

Shepherd Totes | Due Sunday, Dec 8
Packing | Sundays, Dec 1 & 8 | 12-2 pm
Loading | Monday, Dec 9 | 10 am-12 pm

In the Shepherd Community area, 8 out of 10 kids rely on school for all of their meals. Fill a tote or provide a donation to keep these children nourished over winter break. Then sign up to help us pack totes and prepare them for delivery  to Shepherd. These are great family-friendly service opportunities! Pick up your tote in the Gathering Space this morning.
+ Marissa and Tim Cope [219.863.0315]

Register to pack totes here.
Donate to help fill a tote
2024 Shopping List

+ Marissa and Tim Cope [219.863.0315]

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