Rob’s goal with Man in the Mirror is to help equip churches to be more intentional in their discipleship efforts to men. Their ministry serves pastors, trains leaders, and helps transform men. They help create an environment that provides men a discipleship pathway within their church, no matter their level of spiritual maturity. They believe if men honor their roles as godly husbands, fathers, and leaders at a deeper level, we will see a greater Kingdom impact across the nation. They want to see disciples making disciples who in turn make disciples thus fulfilling Jesus’ command in Matthew 28 to “…go into all the world and make disciples.”

    Ways to be Involved:

    • Recommendations or introductions to those at ZPC who could help connect Rob to other churches with
      whom ZPC has ongoing relationships.
    • Continued willingness to host Man in the Mirror training events or seminars at ZPC that would be open to the community. ZPC has already hosted a number of events for Man in the Mirror and they’ve been done extremely well.
    • Willingness to collect stories from ZPC about men’s lives being changed by the intentional discipleship
      process of one man walking alongside another man.

    + Greg Rankin [317.590.6334] 
