Fountains of Hope (FoH) is committed to the installation, integration, and teaching of safe water solutions for the poor and most marginalized people. We do this by installing water purification systems and health and hygiene education, especially during times of disaster or emergency.
FoH provides safe drinking water for churches, schools, orphanages, and medical clinics around the world. We believe this is the Lord’s ministry. We are accountable to him and to his people who have entrusted us with their time, talents, and treasures to enable us to fulfill the Lord’s vision for Fountains of Hope International. We intend, by his grace, to keep that trust.
Ways to be Involved:
• Go on a trip! We have upcoming trips to many international places.
• Join a prayer team for specific trips and/or events.
• Sponsor a filtration system.
• Provide sponsorship for our major fundraisers.
• Volunteer for or attend our major fundraisers – Hues of Blue Gala (especially help with a silent auction), Havana Nights, a golf outing (date TBD), and a Walk/Run (date TBD). Fun (especially for Home Groups) to get involved and attend our Gala on November 11 (dinner/dancing/speaker/silent auction) or our Havana Nights on September 15 (whiskey/craft beer/cigar soiree)!
• Attend assembly parties to prepare parts for the water filtration systems.
• We welcome volunteers or students with experience in event planning, fundraising, video production, engineering, medical, marketing, web design, or graphic design, looking for (volunteer) internships.
+ Bill & Kathy Farrar [ ; ]